
The Bread – Harmony of the Varnavas Folklore Company at the “PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for the Child, at the Special Primary School of Nea Makris and at the Varnavas Kindergarten

The Bread – Harmony of the Varnavas Folklore Company at the “PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for the Child, at the Special Primary School of Nea Makris and at the Varnavas Kindergarten

Close to the children of a) the Foundation for the Child “PAMMAKARISTOS”, b) the Special Primary School of Nea Makris and c) the Kindergarten Varnavas of the municipality of Marathon, the staff and volunteers of the Varnavas Folklore Company and the European Museum of Artos attended these holy days, carrying out the Bread-Harmony program under the auspices and support of the Ministry of Culture.