The Bread – Harmony at the Special High School of Chalkida in Ritsona

Dec 24, 2024

The Bread-armony of the Varnavas Folklore Company travelled to the Special High School of Chalkida in Ritsona with the support and patronage of the Ministry of Culture.

The two experiential actions “4 Seasons” & “Learning about animals by fermenting” gave the participants the motivation for spiritual development and relaxation through free and creative expression. Working with dough also enabled students to learn about the characteristics of each season by making representative symbols such as fruits, vegetables, etc. in order to enhance aesthetic perception and promote teamwork and cooperation. On the same day, in the premises of the European Museum of Bread, members of the Varnavas Folklore Company welcomed classes of pupils from the Varnavas Primary School for the above-mentioned activities of the Bread-armony.